During the British rule, Ceylon was also the location of choice for several documentaries. The best known film was 'The Song of Ceylon' by Basil Wright which was made for…
Amila | May 5, 2023

Hettiaaratchchige Emanuel Aloysius Rodrigo (1931-1970) who performed under the name Prem Jayanth,…
Amila | May 1, 2023

By the dawn of the twentieth century, posters were the most important…
Amila | April 28, 2023

In 1898, a 55 foot long documentary titled Early Morning in the…
Amila | April 27, 2023

When coffee plantations in Ceylon were devastated by the coffee rust disease…
Amila | March 15, 2023

The latter part of the 19th century and the first two decades…
Amila | February 9, 2023

Governments were very quick to use posters as a medium to disseminate…
Amila | February 9, 2023

Ceylon's film industry goes all the way back to 1898 when a…
Amila | September 12, 2022

Anura Saparamadu has been collecting classic posters of Ceylon for a long…
Amila | August 26, 2022